Monday, 9 November 2009
Cape Farewell Quotes
"Encompassing Gaia theory, this world view sees life as being as much based on the symbiosis of organisms rather than their competition. The lichens we saw thriving in such extreme conditions could only survive them because of the mutual dependence that had evolved between a fungus and an algae. Similarly, we can only survive the coming extremes of our global climate if we learn to live more symbiotically with the living things around us" Dr Tom Wakeford, Cape Farewell Burning ice 2006, pg 83.
" I couldn't say that art will solve everything, it wont solve anything, but there has to be a kind of amalgamation of everybody all looking in the same direction. First you have to convince people that climate change is happening, second what we can do about it, and finally how long have we got?" Max Eastly Cape Farewell Burning Ice 2006 pg 56.
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Zooxanthellae Symbiotic algae
Monday, 2 November 2009
Microbes overview
Most living things that are visible to the naked eye in adult form are eukaryotes, however a large number are also microorganisms. They contain a cell nucleus and evolved from symbiotic bacteria, therefor contain a remnant genome. Like bacteria plant cells have cell walls and contain organelles such as chloroplasts, produce energy through photosynthesis and were originally symbiotic bacteria.
Commonly unicellular and microscopic. They are a highly diverse group difficult to identify. Include many species of algae and slime molds switching between unicellular, colonial and multi cellular forms.
Include microscopic arthropods, copepods, cladocera, nematodes and rotifers (water filter feedrs). Reproduce both Asexually and sexually.
Many unicellular species including bakers yeast. Some undergo phenotypic switching and grow as single cells in some environments and filamentoushyphae in others. Reproduce both Asexually by budding or binary fission and spores called condia, and basidiospores sexually.
There are approximately 6000 species of green algae. They are a group of eukaryotes and can be classified as protists, others like charophyta are classified with embryophte plants. Algae can grow single cells or long chains. Green algae include unicellular and colonial flagellates.
Microorganisms adapted to survive and thrive in conditions normally fatal to most life forms eg. Temperatures as high as 130c and pressures as low as 0atm (vacuum of space).
( extracted from