Monday, 9 November 2009

Cape Farewell Quotes

"The human behaviour that has caused climate change has only been with us for 200 years since the start of the industrial revolution. Aren't we due another turning point, towards a less selfish, more symbiotic time?" David Buckland, Cape farewell burning ice 2006.

"Encompassing Gaia theory, this world view sees life as being as much based on the symbiosis of organisms rather than their competition. The lichens we saw thriving in such extreme conditions could only survive them because of the mutual dependence that had evolved between a fungus and an algae. Similarly, we can only survive the coming extremes of our global climate if we learn to live more symbiotically with the living things around us" Dr Tom Wakeford, Cape Farewell Burning ice 2006, pg 83.

" I couldn't say that art will solve everything, it wont solve anything, but there has to be a kind of amalgamation of everybody all looking in the same direction. First you have to convince people that climate change is happening, second what we can do about it, and finally how long have we got?" Max Eastly Cape Farewell Burning Ice 2006 pg 56.

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